Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Welcome to Ashley's Fresh Air Atmmosphere!

My name is Ashley Roske. My blog is going to be about all the things I'm learning in my Environmental Health Class.

There are 6 types of possible posts on my blog. They include:
  1. Advocacy Project
  2. Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change
  3. Eye Openers
  4. Read n' Seed
  5. Reflections
  6. Share and Voice
If you notice at the bottom of this post, the categories will be listed as labels. This post is has been labeled with all five kinds of posts.You will also see the number of each kind of post in my Labels Gadget at the top of the page.  All post titles from now on will begin with one of the categories above.
The members of my group are

  1.  Kristen@KristensAtmosphere
  2. Calista@Eco-Friendly With Calista
  3. Casey@Casey'sGreenDaydream
  4. Heidi@Heidi'sHealthyEnvironment
  5. Kara@Kara'sComingClean 
  6. Dani@TreeHuggingWithDani
  7. Sonny@SonnyDaysAhead

    You can subscribe to my blog by clicking the subscribe gadget in the gadget column. You can also follow my blog by clicking "Follow this Blog" in the gadget column. I am subscribed to all the blogs in my blog list gadget. You can see my complete profile and all the blogs I am following by clicking on "See Complete Profile."

    Thanks for dropping by, come back soon! 


      1. Ashley,
        I look forward to learning with you in environmental health. I think the issues we deal with will be interesting. Happy blogging.

      2. We both share similar blog titles! I like the way that yours is set up. I am looking forward to blogging with you.

      3. I really like your blog and your pictures. I look forward to blogging with you and reading your posts.

      4. I'm so curious as to how you got your links to work correctly? Mine took me forever and I still don't think they are working right (even though I did enter the website information)! I'll have to look to you for the next one! See you in class on Monday!

      5. Hi Ashley!
        I love the daily puppy! I am looking forward to learning about environmental health with you. =)

      6. Your picture is so neat! It makes me feel as if I am an astronaut! The daily puppy application is a nice addition to the blog. I can't wait to see what else your blog will consist of!

      7. pretty jealous that you got the hyperlink to work, I had a really tough time with it. Excited to follow along with your blog and hear what you haev to say about making our air fresher!
