- My SMART goal was to eat 2 cups of green vegetables 4 times per week for the next 8 weeks. I still did exceptionally well in my goal because I tried to diversify the vegetables I was eating. Doing this really helped me enjoy my goal because I wasn't getting sick of eating the same things over and over and was still eating things that were good for me.
- My successes were being able to not only achieve my goal but also had a few extra servings of vegetables without even thinking about it. The strategies that helped me to be successful were pairing the vegetables with my dinners and eating different vegetables each time. The challenges I faced were mostly not eating vegetables while I was at work. The biggest problem is still forcing myself to pack a lunch, I remembered one day but then forgot the next. Its really not a tough task but when I get into a hurry or forget to pack one the night before its always just easier to order something at work. This will be something I'll need to further work on. Maybe next time I go to the grocery store I will just grab some pre-made meals that I can quickly throw in a cooler and go.
- The feelings I felt during this weeks goal was just overall being more awake and more productive because I wasn't so full of greasy fatty foods. I felt this usually right after I was done eating.
- This week I learned I need to work extra hard on remembering to bring my healthier lunches to work with me so I can continue my goal without interruptions of fast food.
- My plans for next week are to basically keep the same goal but to increase my intake and broaden which vegetables I eat by taking away the green part. So my goal for next week will be to eat 2 cups of vegetables 5 times per week for the next 7 weeks.
Review the entire process:
- My SMART goal was to eat 2 cups of green vegetables 4 times per week for the 10 weeks. It didn't change a whole lot throughout the project except increasing my intake or changing which specific vegetable or vegetables I was eating.
- The things that helped me to be successful was to keep reminding myself in the beginning that these foods are good for me and I do like them I just need to remember to eat them. The things that got in my way were not eating as healthy while I was at work or school and being in a hurry and not having time to prepare healthier choices when fast food was much quicker.
- I benefited from this project because now eating vegetables isn't so much a chore now as much as it is something I just do with most meals. I learned that I can eat healthier foods and actually enjoy them. What I learned about behavior change is that it can be done you just need to get yourself into the routine of accomplishing your goal each week and adjusting it to make it more attainable or more challenging to fit your needs.
- The environment benefited from me changing my behavior because I was going out less and eating less meats and more vegetables.
- I will definitely be continuing this behavior, now its more just a habit than something I have to remember to do each day. I like to eat many of the vegetables I've been including in my goal so its not too difficult for me.
- I would recommend to others to start out smaller in the beginning because you can always modify it later. Choose something that is really important to you also because otherwise you wont have as much ambition to keep up with it.
Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 5 hosted by Amy@Amy in the Rain
I'm glad that you enjoyed your goal. You fit in the challenge of eating healthier into your daily routine with ease and there seem to be many benefits that have come along with it! Good tip about always being able to modify later on...Keep going strong!
ReplyDeleteSounds like you've done really well at attaining your goal, and actually ENJOYED meeting it as well! That's pretty much all you can ask for. I urge you to continue and try to bring lunches to work, because you'll be saving money AND eating healthier (most likely). I work at a restaurant too and I know it's pretty difficult to find something healthy to eat most of the time. Keep on doing what you're doing, seems to really be benefiting you.
ReplyDeleteGreat job! I know what you mean about forgetting to pack a lunch. I have to pack a lunch for work everyday because I don't want to stop at and eat fast food everyday before class. So I usually end up making a quick one in the morning while making my breakfast because I forget the night before. Eitherway, it's better than nothing!
ReplyDeleteWe had very similar SMART goals. I'm glad that you have had so much success! I think that the benefits from eating more vegetables are awesome. You are helping the environment by staying away from meat and you are helping yourself by getting the right nutrients!
ReplyDeleteGood job at achieving your goal! I think adding variety is the make or break in choosing veggies. They can get boring fast but you beat that by switching it up every once in awhile. Also, keeping attempting to pack your lunch! I do it everyday and it saves me so much time! Plus, that way I know I am eating healthy because I am the one choosing which foods to eat. Nice work Ash! =)
ReplyDeleteIt's tough to have a good healthy lifestyle when we have such busy lifestyles already. That's good that you don't think of eating vegetables as a chore, rather just a habit. I also like your advice about starting small, that's the best way to go about lifestyle changes. If you set a goal too high you're going to intimidate yourself.